Personal care

A little assistance from our qualified, friendly and caring staff can make a positive difference to your daily well-being or that or your loved one.

Sometimes the small things are the big things, daily personal hygiene and grooming tasks can become difficult as people decline with age, or are recovering from an injury, living with a disability or managing an illness.

First Call offers personal care assistance with basic and complex personal care activities, so we can help you maintain a level of independence for your day-to-day activities, including:

  • personal hygiene, such as showering, grooming, dressing, shaving, feeding and drinking
  • sponge baths for those who are bedbound
  • meal preparations
  • other personal support needs, such as mobility, turning and transfers into and out of bed


Meal preparation

Food is energy, but at times if you live alone, the thought, energy and effort required to maintain a varied, nourishing and balanced diet can seem too much.

Our First Call staff will work with you to understand the type of food you like, your dislikes, your favourite dishes and when you like to eat, and then develop a plan that fits in with your life as well as being nutritious. Working together we can assist with: 

  • planning your meals
  • shopping lists
  • meal preparation (and feeding if required)
  • doing the dishes and cleaning up 


Our First Call team can provide 24 hour care for the short or long term, which not only enables our clients to remain living in their own homes but also allows family carers to get a good night’s sleep.